The NK Freddy Drawing Legacy

Even today, NK doesn't really understand what kind of artist she wants to be but when I first drew my Freddy's facials...I knew that being a portrait sketcher was a good scale for me because I found my admiration in face detail.
I've been keen to worry about how to fit Freddy into my dark occupations.
After my first trial with using DragoArt using this Freddy tutorial
 How to Draw Freddy Krueger, Step by Step, Movies, Pop CultureI'd say NK found her weak spot in not needing in fucking directions.
The procedure of drawing Freddy whether it is a comic, portrait, cartoon, or some other form is very explorations.
Learn How to Draw Freddy Krueger, Freddy Krueger, Nightmare was my second big attempt and em Freddy trained me...really tested his NK.
I'd moved onto other resources for Freddy inspiration to get me more familiar with his looks you could say and at the crack of dusk or dawn I am usually doodling a new Freddy piece.

Em. Detail. Precision, Time. Objective were my five keys to successful Freddy drawing.
I took these to schools I attended and one of them was W.C. Friday Middle School / Homepage - Gaston County Schools.
I was eh...finishing touches on these during my English classes and people would just either ask what I was doing to them or they'd run away when seen in the hallways.
I think drawing horror characters anyhow makes you truly scary, makes you wonder what your hand will do to take you on a artistic strain.
I figure Freddy stretches my brain because he'll immediately send messages or flashes of ideas for me to sketch out that is only if they connect, no need to go on a rampage.

I don't discourage myself when it comes to what media I can be using to illustrate Freddy in many ways, my child-tendencies just tell me to use what I have because it's more powerful that way.
I've been most likely been directed at that I draw Krueger a lot and use him for most of my work
To among-st all other Freddy artists out there, I never compare myself but greet me with your style of him and I will admire.
I'd set the Freddy artwork up and allow the Krueger energy to pierce through me, I knew em...Freddy was blinking or smiling more than what I put onto that canvas.

The care for my artwork is just to simply not throw anything away and repair with respect and house material that I have, when my Freddy works start to age it can become heart wrenching.
Displaying the Freddy works consist of tapes and pins on the walls or matte frames...tucking them away in my NK folders for later use.